Sunday, 31 July 2011

The Father's gifts

Today was my last full day here. In the morning pastor Berwyn and I made our way to a church in Cabadbaran, the main town in the Mabini region. I spoke to the church about the woman at the well (John 4) and how the key to receiving from God is to know the gift and to know the Giver. In response to the message and the work of the Holy Spirit, over 10 people committed their lives to Jesus and were prayed over to receive the Holy Spirit. After ministering to these new creations in Christ, we spent some time praying for the sick and once again people testified to feeling God touch their bodies. Hallelujah!

After the time of ministry, Silvestre M. Sastrellas III, aged 12 (son of the pastor) sang a song and boy can he sing! Just listen to the snippet I recorded. This child has an amazing gift.

After lunch and checking out a papaya tree, pastor Berwyn and I visited his home and fellowshipped with the family. After that we made our way back to Butuan, an hour's drive from Cabadbaran and had a cappuccino at Margie's. The afternoon service was at 16h00 so we made our way to a place called Lemon. The pastor of the church picked us up with his motorcycle so I got to hang on for dear life once again whilst pastor Berwyn took pictures of me clinging to the bike.

We were welcomed with a joyful song and the people were really friendly and delighted to see us. Many kids attended the meeting so I knew I had to cater for quite a wide-ranging age group again. I spoke on the Father's desire to give His children good gifts and how He wants us to receive the Holy Spirit through faith in Christ. We had a lot of fun and after the message over 10 people gave their lives to the Lord. Once again I invited people forward for prayer to be healed and around 10 people were prayed for. Many testified to feeling God's touch and some reported immediate relief from pain. Hallelujah! Just as we were on our way to leave, another man was brought in whom we led to the Lord and whom God touched with His healing power. One of the pastors that attended the meeting told me afterwards that her daughter had been suffering from pain in her lungs and chest from asthma but after the meeting she could breathe deeply again without pain. Glory to God.

As today was my last day here I invited pastor Berwyn's whole family to dinner as well as pastor Jonathan and his family. We had a special time together at a place that had a kids area for the children to play. We enjoyed grilled chicken and for dessert we had halo-halo (fruit salad) with ice-cream in a coconut shell. Yummy!

These two weeks have been very exciting and very special indeed! God has glorified the name of Jesus through and through and I have had the joy of leading many to Christ and seeing many touched with God's healing power. The Father simply loves to give good gifts! I praise Him for His faithfulness and for giving me the grace to do His work here in the Philippines. I have been on the go for two weeks and have been fit and healthy and strong every day. His grace is truly sufficient for us and His favour has strengthened me daily. To God be all the glory for all the wonderful things He has done these past two weeks! Thank you for your prayers and for following me and the Holy Spirit on our journey together. God bless you!

"If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water." John 4:10

"If you then, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!" Luke 11:13


Saturday, 30 July 2011

God in the jungle

Today, the first thing pastor Berwyn asked me was, "Are you ready for an adventure?" I half-convincingly said, "Yes!" We travelled to RTR and from there we were driven on motorcycles for half an hour up to the mountains into a very remote area where the children still stare at the sight of Europeans. It was a stunning trip and the views across the rice fields were breath-taking. I quickly got used to riding on a motorcycle and eventually relaxed enough to enjoy the ride - I still clung on for dear life though.

We eventually reached a tiny church made of wood, bamboo and leaves. The room was filled with children and parents, waiting in expectation for their visitors which they seldom get here. We worshipped the Lord in song as the pastor led us with his
amazing voice and guitar. The presence of God invaded the room amongst restless children and breast-feeding mothers and I sensed very quickly that the meeting was going to be special. Once I was invited to preach, some late-comers arrived and I waited for them to enter in the now pretty full room. As I waited, I noticed a group of 7 young people pass by the church. Thinking they were also late-comers I encouraged them to come in and take a seat. They cautiously entered and joined the meeting. After a message on the Father's love and how we can only know the life of God through faith in Christ, I invited people to make a decision to follow Christ. Over 15 people raised their hands and prayed with us. I then encouraged these new creations in Christ to be prayed over to be filled with the presence, the power and the love of God. It was wonderful! After praying for them, I invited any sick people forward to be prayed for. Again the Lord touched the people's bodies. All of the people testified to feeling something in their bodies and improvement of their condition. Hallelujah! After lunch I found out that the group that I had invited in to the meeting were actually just passers-by and all of them had given their lives to Jesus! God had drawn them in! Glory to God!

We then made our way back to Butuan and we had lunch with pastor Julius. Chicken again! It was yummy, cluck, but I am looking forward to pasta again. I had spied a coffee shop on the
way into Butuan so I aimed right for the place after lunch and was delighted to find a place that serves real cappuccino! I was in heaven and pastors Berwyn and Julius were pretty impressed with their iced-coffee too.

In the afternoon I spent some time with Berwyn's family and in the evening we had a meeting with Roszel (Berwyn' sister) to sort out the finances of our expenses for the conference and seminar that took place last week.

It has been another special day with God and tomorrow is my last day here. On Monday I fly to Manila and will see Mark Jayobo. On Tuesday I fly back home and I am looking forward to seeing my family and my church family again! I do miss you all!

"Go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find." Matthew 22:9


Friday, 29 July 2011

God at school

Today I was invited to teach at the Buenavista Special Education Integrated School - an elementary school for gifted children. The children enjoyed the lessons very much and we had a lot of fun together. I was asked to teach on the theme, "The purpose of life" and so I taught the kids how God created man to be like Him (godliness), to know Him (fellowship) and to do His will (co-labour). I then showed how the Fall caused man to become ungodly, separated from God and spiritually unproductive and how Jesus came to model God's purpose for man as well as restore God's purpose for man through faith in Him. The children were very attentive and they really understood the message.

After each lesson, I offered to pray for the sick and we saw God do some amazing things. In one class I prayed for a girl's hearing and God healed her immediately. She got so excited that she raced to her friends and asked them to whisper something in her ear and when she was able to hear properly she was overjoyed! After praying for her, 2 other girls came forward with a similar issue and were also healed on the spot! Hallelujah! I had to teach 4 classes today, each an hour long and after each class I ministered to the sick and we witnessed some wonderful results. In the other classes, the pupils I prayed for testified to feeling better and to feeling God's power in their areas of need. I prayed for kids with asthma, eye infections, appendix problems, sore throats, goitre and back issues. The most exciting thing was the environment in which God was healing these children. As I prayed for the children the others just chatted away and messed around and watched God do His work. I loved it! God is simply not religious and He simply does not need a man-made atmosphere to do His work! What's more is that the children belong to different denominations (primarily Catholic) and some of the kids are Moslems! Now they know why Jesus came and that Jesus saves and heals today! Hallelujah!

Between lessons we were invited for lunch at a local home and I was asked to share a devotional with the family. I shared on the account of Mary and Martha and how Jesus commended Mary for spending time at Jesus' feet and treasuring her Master's presence.

This evening I was invited to a house church and we had a sweet time of fellowship together. I shared from 1 Thessalonians and showed how the church stood out as an example of a people of faith, hope and love because of the way they received the Word of God and allowed the Holy Spirit to convict them of the truth. I was pleased to see Jireh-Mae and her dad again who reported that JM has been able to be back at school but still needs prayer for complete recovery. Please keep her in your prayers.

It really has been another amazing day with God! I praise Him for His love and for His faithfulness and I am thrilled with what He did today. Thank you Lord!

"Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the miracles themselves. I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing." John 14:11,12


Thursday, 28 July 2011

Vision Day

Today I had a meeting with pastor Berwyn and his sister, Roszel to talk through the options of Kingdom Life setting up a ministry here in this area. We had an exciting time sharing what is on our hearts, particularly concerning our desire to help the many needy children here, in what is recognised to be the poorest region in the Philippines! Roszel and her husband, pastor Julius are passionate about children and are presently active in kids and youth ministry in their church as well as being key leaders for Compassion (click here for more information). They have a heart for all needy children, both within their church as well as those who never set foot into a church building. They recognise the desperate need to care for these poor children as well as the opportunity to reach their parents with the love of God. They are a great couple and I can see God's grace upon their lives to do great things for His Kingdom here in Butuan! They have a little daughter whose name is Yralee (right on picture above).

Pastor Berwyn's family (Liberty, Christine - left on picture above - and Christopher - picture on right) joined us for lunch and after a visit to the local shopping mall, all of us went to my hotel where the kids spent the afternoon in the swimming pool. It was a real outing for the kids and they were overjoyed and excited about being able to be in a pool and to be in the big city. Little Christopher did not stop running around and squealing with joy! He'll be dead tired tonight!

It is a joy to know these wonderful, godly people and I am excited about what God has prepared for us to do together in Butuan and Mabini. Please be in prayer for God to give us wisdom and to direct our steps as we seek to build His Kingdom here.

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."
Luke 18:16


Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Smells like hell, tastes like heaven!

Today we drove for over an hour to the mountain area around Butuan. We made our way to an Assemblies of God church that is under the supervision of pastor Rudi. Before the meeting, we went for a walk around the village and passed the pastor's house as well as some pigs. After our round trip we returned to the meeting.

Once again we had a congregation between the ages of 2 months and 79 years so I depended on the Lord to give me a simple message that everyone could relate to. I was led to speak about the paralytic that was brought by his four friends to Jesus and I explained how faith simply trusts in Jesus to heal and is not put off by obstacles in the natural. I then showed how Jesus would declare a spiritual truth and then demonstrate it in the physical realm. In order for Jesus to demonstrate that He has the authority to forgive, He healed the crippled man. Likewise, after announcing that He is the Resurrection and the Life, Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. After the message I invited people to commit their lives to Jesus and over 10 people responded. I then prayed for each person to be filled with the Holy Spirit and then I invited people who needed healing to be prayed for. About 6 people came forward and all of them sensed the Lord doing something in their bodies, including a young boy who was very shy (see top).

After seeing God's Kingdom in our midst, there was much joy and we enjoyed some lunch together. The pastors have been dying for me to try a particular fruit that has been described as "Smelling like hell but tasting like heaven." I was curious! So I had a try and found the smell only slightly offensive and the taste was like a mixture between avocado and date. Apparently this fruit is extremely nutritious.

After lunch we visited a bed-ridden member of the church, anointed her with oil, layed hands on her and prayed in faith that Jesus would heal her (James 5:14,15). She experienced a touch from God and I am certain that what God has begun He will complete! Hallelujah!

We then returned to Butuan and enjoyed an early supper together. In the evening we attended a prayer meeting at pastor Jonathan's church and I spoke on how the believer's state should always be a state of peace as we allow the Prince of peace to rule in our hearts and we overflow with peace (Col. 3:15; Rom. 16:20; Phil. 4:4-7). After our time of prayer together, we enjoyed mango-shakes and avocado-shakes. Yummy!

"Heal the sick who are there and tell them, 'The Kingdom of God is near you.'" Luke 10:9


Tuesday, 26 July 2011


Today I was invited to speak at Guiding Light Christian Fellowship in the mountain area outside Butuan. Berwyn and I travelled with pastors Rudi and Paul in an off-roader that was purchased by pastor Paul with the compensation he received for the death of his young son who was killed in a road accident a few years ago! The road up to the church I called kangaroo road as it was so full of potholes that we were literally alternating hitting our heads on the roof and hitting our bums on the floor and I didn't even ger car sick!

Once we arrived it was dark outside and we waited for the congregation to arrive. We sat carefully on the rather fragile looking pews as we waited. The area is very rough and people had to walk quite a distance to get to the church. Once everyone had arrived (including a frog and a dog), we spent some time worshipping the Lord in song. I was then invited to speak and I began sharing from John 4 - the woman at Jacob's well. I spoke about the difference between knowing about God and knowing God personally and how our asking and receiving will correspond to our knowledge of God. Jesus said to the woman,

"If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water." John 4:10

During the message there was a mighty downpour and I was in competition with the heavy rain thundering on the tin roof. It was a prophetic sign because after 15 people gave their lives to the Lord and came forward to be filled with the Holy Spirit, I simply asked the Lord to pour out His Spirit and the people began weeping in His presence. Young women and men began sobbing in the Lord's presence even before I layed hands on them - they were being baptised in the Father's love and receiving assurance of their reltionship with Him. It was beautiful and very moving indeed!

After the meeting we had a quick photo session (a Philippine passion next to texting on their mobile phones) and some typical food. One member slept through the whole meeting, however! We then made our way home through the mud and bumps. Tomorrow I will be ministering at another church in Butuan.

Today I really sensed the wonderful truth of the Father giving His new-born children the Spirit of adoption. As I prophesied over these precious people, I repeatedly heard the Father say,

"I love you. You are mine. You are not alone. I accept you. I am proud of you. I delight in you. I will never reject you. Nothing can seperate you from my love. My son. My daughter. My princess."

These new creations in Christ were receiving the Spirit of adoption by which we cry, "Abba, Father" (Gal. 4:6). Hallelujah!

"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you." John 14:18


Sunday, 24 July 2011

Reconciled to God!

Today I had 3 meetings. The first 2 were in Remedios T. Romualdez (conveniently referred to as RTR). The first church service was at a Four Square church where the youth seminar was held yesterday. I spoke on sonship and the difference between identity in Christ and intimacy with God from the parable of the prodigal son. It was a wonderful meeting and when I invited those who had never made a decision to follow Christ and become sons of God, over 15 people gave their lives to the Lord. Hallelujah! I am amazed at the response we are getting in our meetings!

After a delicious lunch we made our way to New Life in Christ church nearby. When we arrived I found a group awaiting our arrival of people aged between 1 month and 60 years old! The majority of the church were the youth pastor's youth group and other youngsters from other churches. Using a mobile phone I explained the Gospel and how we need Jesus to be connected to the life, the power and the love of the Father. We had a tremendous amount of fun and after the message almost everyone gave their life to Jesus! I then invited people to be prayed for to be healed and 4 or 5 people came for prayer and subsequently testified to experiencing the power of God! Glory to God!

After a couple mangos and a lovely time with the people and especially with the youth pastor Dennis who is a real character, we made our way back to Butuan where I was to lead a kids' meeting at the Free Methodist church. We waited a while for transport and eventually got on a rather crowded bus that was overflowing with adults, kids and a chicken! After 15 minutes travel, I suddenly heard a loud bang and the sound of air escaping as one of the tyres had burst. We immediately stopped and I praise God that nothing serious happened. Berwyn and I got off the bus as the rest waited for the bus driver to change the tyre. We then caught another bus and finally got to the church 20 minutes late.

I quickly entered the hall and found a group of about 100 kids worshipping God. Again, I spoke to them about how we need to be connected to Jesus in order to be connected to the Father's life, power and love. We had a lot of fun and they particularly enjoyed my action game I did with them inbetween some profound truth! Half way through the message, we had a power cut and I had to do the remainder of the meeting in the dark with the help of a few emergency lights! By now it seemed to me that the enemy was really trying hard to stop God's work. The darkness, however, didn't and couldn't stop us! I then invited anyone who wanted to decide to follow Jesus to pray with us and to my astonishment over two thirds of the chidren raised their hand to follow Jesus. I then invited those who had surrendered their lives to the Lord to come forward for prayer to be filled with the presence, the power and the love of God. The children all made their way to the front in he dark and one by one we prayed for each one of these precious souls. It was the most amazing atmosphere and the presence of God was wonderful. I was later told by the youth leader, Julius, that they do not usually get a response from the kids like we witnessed today. I praise God for His awesome work in rescuing these kids from the kingdom of darkness and placing them in the kingdom of the Son he loves! Hallelujah!

After the meeting I was shattered but we still went out for grilled chicken with a small group as it was pastor Julius' birthday today! At the restaurant I went to the men's loo and managed to lock myself in, unable to get out again as the door handle inside was broken! All I could do was bang on the door and wait until someone eventually rescued me. Praise God!

Tomorrow should be a day of rest but you never know what "suddenlies" the Holy Spirit has planned! It's been an incredible day. Many lives have been saved and healed. I am simply in awe of what God is doing here. His Kingdom is here and I just sense His passion for His creation and His longing for all to be reconciled to His presence, power and love.

"All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the message of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting man's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God." 2 Cor. 5:18-20


Saturday, 23 July 2011

The Kingdom of God is here!

Today I led a youth seminar at RTR, a town inbetween Butuan and Cabadbaran about 45 minutes drive from Butuan. Over 60 youngsters attended and I spoke on the reality of the Kingdom of God; how Jesus came to preach about the Kingdom and demonstrated it's presence by revealing the Father's wisdom, nature and power. I then showed how Jesus modelled a life lived from the Kingdom and how He empowers the believer to live the same Kingdom life! Before our lunch break, I invited anyone who wasn't certain of their salvation and of a relationship with God to make a decision to surrender their lives to Christ and receive His life in return. Over 15 young people gave their lives to Jesus today! Hallelujah!

After our lunch break (crumbed chicken, crumbed fish, chicken soup, chinese noodles, rice, mango, bananas and blue pepsi), I taught on how God calls us to be like Him in the power of the Spirit and how we are to continue to do the works of Jesus to reveal the Kingdom. I testified to the healings I had witnessed in recent days and the young people's faith grew by the minute. I then invited everyone to be prayed for and almost all the youngsters came forward. The presence of God was awesome. The Holy Spirit ministered to these precious young people in many different ways and I just sensed how God the Father was filling His children with His love and affirmation. It was very precious and many were truly blessed by God's touch. On our way to the bus, we passed a little rope manufacturing company and when we got back to Butuan, I treated some of the youth that were with us to donuts at Dunkin Donuts. It cost me less than 10 Euro to pay for over 15 donuts and 15 soft drinks! We had a lot of fun together as I showed them pictures of my beautiful family. I am missing them!

It has been a joy to speak about the Kingdom and witness God's Kingdom invade the lives of those who believe. I believe many were wonderfully filled with the Spirit today and many received God's healing touch. God is so faithful to confirm His Word and I am so excited about what He is doing in me and through me as I simply cling to Him and live to glorify His Name! Tomorrow I will preach in the morning and in the afternoon at two different churches.

"For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power." 1 Cor. 4:20


Friday, 22 July 2011


Today has been a quiet day and I spent time finishing my book by Andrew Murray entitled "Called by Christ" in which he urges ministers of the church to be earnest about the state of the Church and the need for spiritual renewal in the Body in order to be effective in missions. He writes,

"It is for this that we need a revival, that the Holy Spirit may take possession of us that the Father and the Son can live in us, and that fellowship with them, and devotion to their will and service, will be our chief joy. This will indeed be a holiness revival."

This evening I spoke to a group of youth leaders from different churches and organisations. We gathered in the home of a couple that are youth leaders for Youth With A Mission. The presence of God was wonderful and I was prompted to share about the need for leaders to be examples to the church as they follow the example of Christ (1 Cor. 11:1). We then looked at the holiness and glory of God and noted how God commands the Church to be like Him (1 John 2:6; 1 Peter 1:15,16; Matthew 5:48) and therefore the Church must depend completely on the Holy Spirit to produce the fruit of God's holy presence within her (Gal. 5:22). After God's Word I invited everyone to be prayed for and we had a very special time as the Holy Spirit ministered to each person present. As I prophesied over many, there were tears and conviction of sin and it seemed as though God's holiness began to manifest in the room. It was wonderful. The most amazing thing was that these leaders were from many different denominations including the catholic church! God wasn't concerned about denominations tonight - He was touching the hearts of His people! Christ, the Barrier-breaker! Hallelujah!

After the meeting Berwyn, Julius and I headed for McDonalds as I was curious to compare the taste with German McD's. I had a cheese burger and fries and to my amusement, Berwyn and Julius ordered chicken with ......RICE!! They serve rice at McD's here! Much healthier I suppose!

Tomorrow I will be leading a youth seminar and probably teach on Kingdom Culture. I will need to check with the Boss in the morning.

"Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ." 1 Cor. 11:1


Thursday, 21 July 2011

Saved, healed and delivered

Glory to God! Today started with a visit to the police station and the office of the mayor of Buena Vista, a town near Butuan. I was asked to lead a devotional with a small group of policemen and police women. It was quite an experience to share God's Word with a congregation of armed men! I am glad I didn't offend them. I spoke to them about divine authority as it relates to faith and how submission to authority in the natural is the evidence of true submission in the spiritual. After God's Word to them, I prayed for each person in the room. They were visibly blessed and then I was taken to the mayor's office to share a devotional with the office workers. I was led to speak to them about how David knew the Lord personally as his Shepherd and that when we trust in the Lord as the One to lead and guide us, we will experience rest and protection.

We were scheduled to meet the mayor himself but apparently there was a change of plan so we proceeded to a tiny church in a very rural area outside Buena Vista. About 15 people (including children) attended and I spoke to them about the Father's love. I was prompted by the Spirit to ask if anyone wanted to give their life to the Lord and all of the people came forward. I double checked with pastor Berwyn whether they understood what I was asking and he confirmed twice that they were indeed responding to the offer of salvation! Hallelujah! I subsequently found out that the church is new and that some present were there for the first time! Praise God!

We then made our way back to Buena Vista and passed a coconut production area where workers were taking the shells off the coconuts, splitting them and leaving them to dry on the ground. We then had lunch in Buena Vista and while we waited for the chicken to be ready that was roasting right beside our table, I was asked to share another devotional with the church members that joined us for lunch. I shared an encouraging message on clinging to God from Psalm 63.

After lunch we made our way to the coast to meet a group of fishermen who had formed a fishermen association (not fishermen's friends) that I was to speak at. As it was still raining, we met in a tiny hut amidst other huts and boats and so about 20 of us huddled in the tiny room. The fishermen were very attentive as I shared the Gospel very simply with them and

subsequently asked whether anyone wanted to give their life to God. To my astonishment and delight, all the people stood and gave their lives to Jesus! In my message to them I had explained how Jesus proved the truth with miracles and His resurrection, so I invited those of them who were sick to be prayed for to be healed. Three precious souls came forward and Jesus healed each one of them. I asked them to test whether the affected areas were healed,

and they were overjoyed to discover that they were healed. They were so surprised that they kept testing their healing whilst we prayed for others. It was absolutely brilliant to then observe those who were healed tell about and demonstrate their healing to their friends! I believe their whole village will be affected by today's demonstration of God's Kingdom! Hallelujah!

We then proceeded back to Butuan where I was asked to visit the mayor's wife who was stationed in intensive care after having undergone surgery but with subsequent complications. We went in to see her and layed hands on her. She was visibly moved by the love we demonstrated and I am sure the Lord touched her body. At the hospital, I found this amusing sign in the hospital chapel...

After a couple of hours back at the hotel with pastor Berwyn, where we continued to discuss the future of the ministry in Mabini and KLF's support, we made our way back to Buena Vista to attend an evening church meeting. About 12 of us gathered in a small chapel-like room to worship God and enjoy His Word and His presence together. I shared on the parable of the sower and the difference between natural faith and spiritual faith. After the message I prayed for these precious people and prophesied over some of them. The Lord was present and there were many tears. After I had prayed for each person, the pastor of the church asked people to share what God was doing. One lady confirmed the prophetic words I had shared and another shared that the oppression she had previously suffered from was lifted after I prayed for her.

It truly has been a day of salvation and a day of God's favour. Now I am bushed but tomorrow I can rest as I only have a meeting in the evening.

"When Jesus had called the twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to preach the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick." Luke 9:1,2


Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Conference in Butuan - Day 3

Today was the third and final day of our conference in Butuan. This morning we looked at how those who fear God live new lives for God. We looked at the examples of Moses in Hebrews 11 and Paul in Philippians 3 and noted how they had made a definite decision by faith to turn away from the world and to turn toward God. We then looked at how God must become our Source and not just our Solution as we learn to approach the throne of grace. After the session after our lunch break we shared communion together and the presence of God was wonderful. We then invited people to share their testimony of what God was doing in their lives and many reported to having been revived and inspired by God's revelation to them. We also heard today and witnessed that Jireh Mae is now able to walk by herself without the help of her dad, who had to help her previously because of the pain in her body! Now she is walking around without pain! Hallelujah!

The conference has been great. The pastors and leaders that attended were very hungry for the reviving truth of God's Word and the presence of His Spirit and they did not leave disappointed but were filled spiritually and physically. Many testified to being greatly encouraged in their faith and strengthened to persevere in the fear of the Lord as they rely on, respond to and revere God's presence in their lives. I praise God for His awesome revelation to the people that has stirred their spirits to live for His glory. Hallelujah!

On the way to the conference hall I saw these signs that I found interesting. Mc Donalds really is all over the world and look - you can rent some jungle! The common method of transportation are tricycles that are fun to ride with. During the lunch break I had to get something from my hotel so Berwyn took me on one of the pastor's motorcycles.

Tomorrow is another full day but I am living from the Source and relying on God's grace. Glory to Him!

"My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." Col. 2:2,3


Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Conference in Butuan - Day 2

Today started with a wonderful testimony. Yesterday we prayed for a young girl called Jireh Mae (see picture) who has been diagnosed with cancer in her brain and spinal column, causing her severe discomfort and pain. We ministered to her for quite a while yesterday morning and I sensed God touching her body and so did she. This morning we received the report from her father that the previous evening was the first time this year that she slept without pain! Hallelujah! God is amazing! We believe God is healing her and that what He has begun He will bring to completion! Please pray for this precious child of God for her complete recovery.

Today we looked at the truth about salvation and our union with God through Jesus; faith and the fear of the Lord as well as how the believer must learn to rely on, respond to and revere the presence of Jesus. After lunch I invited those who desired prayer to come forward to be ministered to. The Holy Spirit touched people's spirit, soul and body and many testified to having experienced a touch from God and the infilling of His presence and power. Tomorrow afternoon I will give opportunity for people to give testimonies.

After our meetings today which went from 9h30 to 16h00 a few of us went to Dunkin' Donuts and had a lot of fun together.

The thing that excited me most today was finding out that the pastors and leaders that are coming to the conference come from very different denominations. I spoke to the leaders about the unity we have in Christ, how denominations are formed and how so often church denominations forget their roots. I explained the origin of the Methodists, Four Square and Pentecostals and showed how the Holy Spirit was behind their beginnings as men and women of God honoured the presence of God and gave Him room to move. I then encouraged and challenged the leaders to return to their roots and allow God to take hold of their churches as they honour the Word and the Spirit!

"Is Christ divided?" 1 Cor. 1:13

"There is one body and one Spirit - just as you were called to one hope when you were called - one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and in all." Eph. 4:4-6
