Saturday, 30 July 2011

God in the jungle

Today, the first thing pastor Berwyn asked me was, "Are you ready for an adventure?" I half-convincingly said, "Yes!" We travelled to RTR and from there we were driven on motorcycles for half an hour up to the mountains into a very remote area where the children still stare at the sight of Europeans. It was a stunning trip and the views across the rice fields were breath-taking. I quickly got used to riding on a motorcycle and eventually relaxed enough to enjoy the ride - I still clung on for dear life though.

We eventually reached a tiny church made of wood, bamboo and leaves. The room was filled with children and parents, waiting in expectation for their visitors which they seldom get here. We worshipped the Lord in song as the pastor led us with his
amazing voice and guitar. The presence of God invaded the room amongst restless children and breast-feeding mothers and I sensed very quickly that the meeting was going to be special. Once I was invited to preach, some late-comers arrived and I waited for them to enter in the now pretty full room. As I waited, I noticed a group of 7 young people pass by the church. Thinking they were also late-comers I encouraged them to come in and take a seat. They cautiously entered and joined the meeting. After a message on the Father's love and how we can only know the life of God through faith in Christ, I invited people to make a decision to follow Christ. Over 15 people raised their hands and prayed with us. I then encouraged these new creations in Christ to be prayed over to be filled with the presence, the power and the love of God. It was wonderful! After praying for them, I invited any sick people forward to be prayed for. Again the Lord touched the people's bodies. All of the people testified to feeling something in their bodies and improvement of their condition. Hallelujah! After lunch I found out that the group that I had invited in to the meeting were actually just passers-by and all of them had given their lives to Jesus! God had drawn them in! Glory to God!

We then made our way back to Butuan and we had lunch with pastor Julius. Chicken again! It was yummy, cluck, but I am looking forward to pasta again. I had spied a coffee shop on the
way into Butuan so I aimed right for the place after lunch and was delighted to find a place that serves real cappuccino! I was in heaven and pastors Berwyn and Julius were pretty impressed with their iced-coffee too.

In the afternoon I spent some time with Berwyn's family and in the evening we had a meeting with Roszel (Berwyn' sister) to sort out the finances of our expenses for the conference and seminar that took place last week.

It has been another special day with God and tomorrow is my last day here. On Monday I fly to Manila and will see Mark Jayobo. On Tuesday I fly back home and I am looking forward to seeing my family and my church family again! I do miss you all!

"Go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find." Matthew 22:9


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