Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Communicating the Father's Love

Glory to God!

On Monday we said our last goodbyes at Butuan airport to Aaron, Berwyn, Roszel with Yralee, Julius and Jasfer (from left to right). It was mixed with sadness but also with a lot of excitement about what God is doing with us and will be doing in the future. We have a God-given vision that we are embarking on by faith. These are exciting times and God is glorifying Himself in Butuan and the Philippines.

Frances and I then travelled to Manila and met up with Mark and Mary Ann who were part of KLF when they stayed in Frankfurt. It happened to be Mary Ann's birthday so we had a little party together over a chicken dinner and a birthday cake of her choice. It was a special time.

The following day Mark invited us to minister at the Bible Institute for the Deaf. Mark is an amazing guy who has learned to sign for the deaf and uses sign language in his church. Manila is a very busy, polluted, smoggy place and after 2 hours of travel by taxi, train, jeepney, and tricycle (Frances and I could hardly fit in the side car) we eventually arrived at the college. After meeting a couple of the leaders, we made our way to take part in the lunchtime chapel service. One of the guys led the students in worship. The presence of God was wonderful and I found the whole experience very moving. I was then invited to speak.

The Lord put it on my heart to communicate His love for them so after a short message, Frances and I were allowed to minister to the students who wanted prayer. Almost all the students came forward for prayer. The Holy Spirit was gracious and gave me prophetic words for each student like a machine gun. The Lord knew we only had 30 minutes to touch over 30 students before rushing back to the hotel to pick up our luggage to rush to the airport for our return flight. It was a really interesting experience. As we prayed over the students they watched Mark sign for them and apart from a couple there was little visible response to the prophetic words. However, after asking how many were touched by the Father's love, almost every one of the students smiled and enthusiatically thanked us for praying for them. It was very touching indeed. Thank you Abba Father!

Mark escorted us back to the hotel and we got to the airport on time. After travelling for over 14 hours via Kuala Lumpur, we are now back in Frankfurt, looking at all the pictures we took and reflecting on what God did during these past two weeks. 

I stand in awe of what God is doing with us. He has connected Kingdom Life with a people who are passionate to see His Kingdom expand in Butuan and the Philippines. He is using our little community of believers to touch nations. It is amazing. As the Lord continues to add to our number, we will be able to send teams across the world to reveal the Father's love and expand His Kingdom. We have witnessed Heaven on Earth these past two weeks and I am convinced that the Lord is going to do even more as we sow the seed of His Kingdom across the nations.

We give God all the glory for all the wonderful things he did and we thank the Lord for pastors Berwyn, Julius and Roszel as well as all the others who worked so hard to make our visit such a memorable occasion! Thanks too to all of you who have followed this blog and have prayed for us and our family in the Philippines - we felt Heaven back us up all the time!

This is the last blog entry for this year's visit but we will be back next year as we continue to do what we see the Father doing. Hallelujah!

To favourite picture from our trip (Christine and her pet rooster, Alex)...

"'No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him' - but God has revealed to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.'" 1 Cor. 2:9,10

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Wind, Water and Fire!

Glory to God!

Today was our last day in Butuan. We were invited to minister at a large church in the city and we were encouraged by the presence of the Lord in the place and the spirit of worship we found. After a good time of worship, I preached on the faith that trusts God in the storm, that touches Jesus to receive healing and that honours the presence of God. I then led the church in worship as I encouraged everyone to worship the Lord from the heart and in their own words. As we did so the Lord once again manifested His presence and people began to weep and kneel before Him. It was wonderful as the the Holy Spirit seemed to blow through the room. As people came forward for prayer Frances and I ministered to the people and watched the Lord pour out His love on His people. One lady was healed as we prayed for her shoulder and could subsequently move it freely. She was in tears of gratitude. Thank you Lord! 

After a buffet lunch with the church's pastor and wife and some of their leaders, we made our way back to the hotel so that Christopher, Christine and Yra-Lee could swim in the pool. They loved it! After the usual Mango-shake Berwyn and I made our way to the radio station for another live broadcast. Frances, Liberty and Roszel had some time together and watched the kids. They also had to finalise some paperwork together. 

At the radio station I had another 60 minute slot and I spoke on the Kingdom and how Jesus came to preach the good news of the Kingdom and demonstrate the reality of the Kingdom. I shared the need for faith in Christ and new birth to be able to see the Kingdom and enter into it. I had a lot of fun and hundreds of people got to hear the good news! Praise the Lord! 

After the radio broadcast we dashed to the youth meeting at the Free Methodist Church. Worship was already underway and when I was asked to speak, I talked about the fire of God and revival. In response to the message almost all the youngsters came forward to receive the fire of God. It was awesome. I am convinced God is saturating this generation to spread the fire if His love and power. 

After the youth meeting we made our way to a restaurant for our final family dinner together. As we followed the car of Julius and Roszel and got ready to turn into the parking area in front of the restaurant, a motorcycle slammed into Julius' car! We saw the motorcyclist fly over Julius' bonnet but praise God no one was harmed! Julius' car, however, is quite bashed in the front. He then had to accompany the police and the motorcyclist to the police station - not the way we had planned our last evening together but I am so grateful that no one was hurt! 

Tomorrow we leave for Manila and are looking forward to spending some more time with Mark and his family. I am going to miss this place and what God is doing here. It has been a fantastic visit and I praise God for all that He has done and will continue to do here in Butuan and the surrounding area.

 "Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them." Acts 2:2,3

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Releasing the Prophetic

Glory to God!

Today we spent the morning in Mabini and I ministered in pastor Berwyn's church, Mabini Christian Assembly. After worshipping in their language and now spotting a few familiar words, I was invited to preach. I spoke on Elijah and the fact that he was a man just like us and an example to us of someone who completely trusted in God. We looked at the account of Elijah challenging the prophets of Baal and the Lord showed us how to draw His fire in our lives as we stop wavering between two opinions and build an altar for Him. It was a powerful word and everyone responded to it as we surrendered our lives afresh to the Lord. (They call the motorbikes skylabs when they have sideboards to carry extra load. Here are 8 people on one bike!)

After a delicious lunch (lots of mangos for mango-man - my name at the hotel) and lots of fun with Berwyn and Liberty's children, we made our way back to Butuan to finish some paperwork and then to speak to pastor Julius' young people. 

The Lord led us to look at the work of the Holy Spirit and prophecy. Frances and I then taught on how to prophesy and then got the youngsters to give it a go. The guys paired up and we invited the Holy Spirit to lead us. After 5 minutes I stopped the guys and asked them to share what God was doing. To the amazement of the group the guys shared what they had received and as their respective partners confirmed they were accurate and some even cried, they were so encouraged that the whole atmosphere changed. Faith was ignited! These guys are in for an amazing adventure with God! Thank you Lord! 

Tomorrow is our last day here in Butuan. I am preaching in the morning and early evening and will possibly be at the radio station again in the afternoon. The Lord has really been revealing heaven on earth here and I am so excited for the young people here!

"Follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy." 1 Corinthians 14:1

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Day 4 - Servant Leadership

Glory to God! 

Today was our last day of our 4-day Heaven on Earth conference in Butuan. After another wonderful time of worship which continued for almost an hour because of the presence and glory of God, I then spoke on the Lord's prayer to summarize what God had been showing us in the last 3 days. 

After a short break, Frances spoke on servant leadership and how Jesus came as an example of how leaders must serve. It was a fun and very powerful message and when I led us into a time of response to the word and as we repented of pride it was as though Jesus entered the room in response. His presence was so overwhelming that we just knelt and waited on Him as He seemed to reveal His humility to us. Heaven truly invaded earth! 

After a lunch break we spent time ministering to God's people as we and other pastors washed the people's feet. It was an amazing time full of joy, freedom and power as people received prophetic words and encouragement from the Father. It was a very special time indeed!

After a short break we had a time for testimonies and invited the people to share what God had done during the 4 days. Many testified and praised God for fresh and reviving revelation from the teaching. Some testified to being healed of diabetes. Some shared how they had experienced the power of God in their bodies even before we got to pray for them. Some were greatly encouraged to renew their commitment to the Lord. One lady shared how she had been set free from bondage. It was awesome and we praise God for all that He has done in these past 4 days! I was especially encouraged to see many young people respond to God! I am convinced that God is reviving the youth in this area and that they are on the verge of a mighty outpouring!

It has been an incredible blessing to minister under an open heaven here. The honour and the love we have received is humbling to say the least! 

We then gathered the youth and invited them to Dunkin Donuts and had a lot of fun with them trying to learn their language and sharing about our lives. Tomorrow we have our day off and we will be spending the day with Julius, Roszel and their children (Yra-lee and Jonkris) and Berwyn and Liberty with their children (Christine and Christopher). Apart from simply getting tine to talk and hang out, we will be looking at what our future plans are together. Hallelujah! 

"Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you." John 13:14,15 

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Day 3 - The River of God

Glory to God! 

Today was the third day of our Heaven on Earth conference in Butuan. We are so impressed with all the guys that are working so hard to make this conference a blessing to all who come. One of the team members is Julius' brother, Aaron (standing next to Frances). We began with another special time of worship led by pastor Julius and his team. I then spoke on our need to be continuously filled with the Holy Spirit for us to overflow with heaven on earth. Looking then at the gospel of grace, I showed how one can explain the gospel using the word G.R.A.C.E. and the need for us to live the gospel and preach it! After a short break we looked at how the message of the gospel is received with power, deep conviction and the Holy Spirit to produce the fruit of the Kingdom of Heaven.

During the lunch break we enjoy fellowshipping with the pastors and hearing some amazing testimonies of God's grace, provision and miracles. After lunch Frances spoke on stepping into the River of God and how the believer must seek to come to a place of absolute surrender to be carried by the Spirit. After our coffee break I spoke on renewing one's mind with the word of God and how to resist the lies of satan. We then offered to pray for the group and many came forward for prayer. Once again the Lord ministered powerfully to the people as they  received deep emotional healing as well as physical healing as they fell under the power of God. We then got some of the Bible School students to soak the people in prayer who were still under the power. We spent time with each dear soul and prophesied over each person. Words of knowledge were given and clearly spot on as people responded inmediately to the Father's words. It was simply amazing and very moving as I held some of the people as they sobbed in my arms. Oh how the Father loves these people!

After over 2 hours of ministry we went back to the hotel to quickly get changed before embarking on a mini adventure by ourselves to the local (and only) shopping mall. We saw some interesting misplaced things like Ritter Sport and Ferrero Rocher as well as a corner in the shop where behind a counter filled with Hostias (communion wafers used in catholic churches) was a selection of wines and other alcoholic beverages. After a quick supper we made our way back to the hotel with a local tricycle. 

It has been another amazing day with God. Tomorrow we will be looking at releasing and imparting the Kingdom of Heaven through serving and then Frances and I will wash everyone's feet. I can't wait!

 "There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the Holy Place where the Most High dwells." Psalm 46:4 

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Day 2 - The Secrets of the Kingdom

Glory to God!

Today was our second day of our "Heaven on Earth" conference. Around 200 pastors and leaders have been attending the meetings and we are in awe if what God is doing. To the relief of Frances there were no cockroaches under the toilet seat this morning (I have had to rescue her from 2 already). After our mangos for breakfast and a latte to-go we made our way to the convention hall. 

This morning we looked at the otherness of the Kingdom of Heaven and how
God's Kingdom is a realm that is beyond every limitation. We then looked at the secrets of the Kingdom and how the deep things of God are revealed by the Spirit. Consequently we looked at the need for people to be born of the Spirit through dependence upon Christ to be able to see the Kingdom and enter into the Kingdom.

After our lunch break, Frances spoke on the Kingdom of righteousness, peace and joy. The leaders have really taken to Frances and enjoy her preaching very much. After a short coffee break I spoke on how Christ is God's gift to the believer and that we must learn to live by faith in Him to access the riches of heaven. This evening we took Pastor Julius, Roszel and their daughter Yra-Lee out for dinner to spend some time with them. Yra is the cutest thing and is an extremely gifted child. She is simply a bundle of joy! Her little brother Jonkris is also adorable!

"The knowledge of the secrets of the Kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them." Matthew 13:11 

Monday, 15 July 2013

Day 1 - The Reality of the Kingdom

Glory to God! 

Today was the first day of our "Heaven on Earth" Leaders' Conference. As usual we began the day with fresh Mangos and a Latte at Bo's coffee place and then made our way to the conference hall where people were arriving and registering for the conference. Pastor Julius and his young team of musicians led us in worship and as we sang, the Lord manifested His presence! I can honestly say that apart from my encounter with the Lord in 2007 I have never experienced such a tangible presence of God as this morning. Frances had to sit down to contain herself and I was overwhelned by the Lord's presence. It was awesome! I didn't want to interrupt what God was doing so we continued to give the Holy Spirit room to do what He wanted to do. After an hour we were released to continue in His Word. I spoke on the reality of the unseen real and how Jesus came to bring the good news of the Kingdom as well as demonstrate the reality of God's Kingdom.
After lunch, Frances spoke on seeing the Kingdom that leads to hope from which faith and love spring. We then looked at worship as a key to bringing heaven on earth and we looked at the kind of worship that takes place in heaven. We then entered a time of worship. 

After a coffee break I then looked at the book of Nehemiah and spoke on how the enemy seeks to destroy our hope and bring us to a place of fear by distracting and discouraging us and by sowing doubt in our hearts to ultimately lead us to despair and fear! In response to God's Word we invited anyone who was discouraged and who had lost their hope to come forward for prayer. Over 40 people came forward for prayer and after 2 hours of prophesying and praying over them we finished the meeting. There were many tears as the Father comforted and encouraged His children. 

Heaven truly invaded earth today and we are looking forward to tomorrow for another visitation of God and we will speak on how to see, enter into and experience the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. 

"Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Matthew 6:10

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Whispers from the Father

Glory to God!

This morning we were invited to a church near Cabadbaran but before embarking on what would promise to be another incredible day, pastor Berwyn, Frances and I stopped at Bo's coffee place for a Latte. We then made our way to the church service and encountered a rather dry atmosphere without much of the manifest presence of God. After a time of singing songs and people seeming to go through the motions I was led to preach on John 4 concerning worship. We looked at what it means to worship in spirit and in truth and how God looks at the heart and not at the outward appearance. The Lord then led me to the account of Elijah in the cave and how God came unexpectedly in a gentle whisper (1 Kings 19:12,13). The Holy Spirit then led us in a time of worship without instruments as we sang in the Spirit and from our hearts. Gradually the congregation began to be released in true worship and the presence of God invaded the room. People began to weep and to laugh. It was awesome. We just let the Holy Spirit do His work without interrupting Him. Heaven invaded earth! I cannot describe how the Lord whispered to us and made His presence known. Thank you Abba!

After the meeting we had a quick lunch (where we saw the piglet)and made our way back to Butuan where Frances was invited to speak to a group of mothers and sponsors of children at the Free Methodist Church in Butuan. Frances shared a powerful message on our acceptance, security and significance in Christ and the women were visibly encouraged.

We then proceeded to the local radio station where I was to speak over live stream. I was quite nervous but I knew that when I am weak He is strong. Pastors Berwyn, Julius and Frances gave a brief greeting and then it was up to me to fill 4 slots of 10 minutes each. The Holy Spirit led me to speak on worship and it flowed. I was amazed and really began to enjoy it. I had the opportunity to preach the gospel to many, many people and help Christians understand what true worship is. Hallelujah! Frances said I sounded like a professional. Praise God!

We then made our way back to the Free Methodist Church where I was to preach at two youth meetings. At the first meeting I sensed a strong calling to raise prophets and at the second meeting Abba wanted to share His love with His people. At the frst meeting many accepted the call to be prophets to the nations and at the second meeting many came forward to receive a baptism of love from Abba. It was very special as these youngsters received the love of the Father and we spoke His words over them. Many cried and received the Father's affirmation, encouragement and love. Glory to God.

It has been a very long day and now we are absolutely bushed. Tomorrow we start our 4 day seminar entitled, "Heaven on Earth." 

We are so impressed with pastor Berwyn, pastor Julius and his wife Roszel. They are all out for God and doing an amazing job for God's Kingdom. I praise God for them and the fruit of their ministry we are privileged to witness. It is a blessing to work with them!

"After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire, And after the fire came a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave. Then a voice said to him, "What are you doing here, Elijah?" 1 Kings 19:12,13

Saturday, 13 July 2013


Glory to God!

This morning we were up at 6:00 and had a meeting in Santiago, about one hour's drive away from Butuan. On our way I was thrilled to be able to have a birthday Latte before embarking on another full day. Santiago is further away in the more rural area beyond Cabadbaran and Mabini, where pastor Berwyn's church is located. We were immediately impressed by the sound of true worship when
we arrived as the 3 musicians practised for the meeting. As soon as we began to worship the Lord, the people all engaged with God and the area was filled with the sound of heaven! The worship leader, a young man with an amazing voice, led us right into the Lord's presence. The pastor of the church told me prior to the meeting that at times the presence of the Lord is so tangible that people weep and laugh in His presence and at one meetiing the presence of God began to affect the neighbouring Seventh Day Adventist church as their members also came under conviction and joy, wondering what was going on!

God was in the place and after pastor Berwyn introduced me, I spoke to the people about being carriers of God's presence and overflowing with His love. I then invted the church to be prayed for to be filled with the Father's love in order to overflow with God's love and almost everyone came forward for prayer. As Frances and I ministered to these precious people, we were gripped by the Father's compassion and many wept in His presence. All we cold do was hold them tight as the Father ministered His healing love to the people. We hardly said a word - the Holy Spirit was working. It was very moving indeed and the best gift one could ever ask for on one's birthday - the presence of God!

After the meeting we had a delicious lunch and then made our way to the local hot springs up in the mountains. In order to get there we had to cross a wide river and then walk up the mountain for about half an hour. It was a great place to be at and to feel both hot water and cold water coming out of the volcanic mountain. On our way back storm clouds gathered and we suspected we would not make it back to the car, dry! Well once we got in the canoe boats it began pouring with rain and the only shelter we had was from a few banana tree leaves! It was a lot of fun even though we got soaked!

We then went back to Cabadbaran to visit some of the pastors and their families that I knew from my previous visits. It was good to catch up with them and they were greatly encouraged by the fact that we took the time to se them.

Today was the first time we got to see pastor Berwyn's family (Liberty, Christine - with the rooster - and Christopher) and they travelled back to Butuan with us where we were going to distribute food to the street children Aaron could find. After rounding up 15 children we sang a song and I spoke to them about the certainty of the Father's love for them and then we prayed together. After polishing off their meals they sang "happy birthday" to me. I was truly moved!

We were then taken to a local restaurant where Roszel and the rest of the Villadares family invited us to a birthday dinner with a birthday cake and all. It was such a special time after an already amazing day.

"God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." Romans 5:5

Friday, 12 July 2013

Mayors to Minors

Glory to God!

We had an earlier start today but I still managed to get my fresh mango before setting off to meet the Mayor of Buena Vista. The purpose of our visit was to bless him and pray for him. As we spoke I had a word of knowledge for him concerning his second son which he confirmed was right. He was visibly encouraged and open to our praying for him. It is a great privilege to honour the leaders of the land!

We then went to visit another leader in the community and had an opportunity to witness to him and share the Gospel with him. Again the Lord gave me words of knowledge concerning his calling and he was greatly encouraged. Frances and I also prayed over one of his staff members, a single mum (18 yrs old) who was touched by the Father's heart and compassion for her.

After a coke and a slice of pizza we visited the vice mayor. Together with all her workers I was asked to share the Word of God with them. I spoke to them about seeking intimacy with Jesus first before anything just as Mary sat at the feet of Jesus whilst Martha was too busy to enjoy Christ's presence. Frances was then asked to pray over the vice mayor and to bless the staff members. We then had lunch with her and some of her staff.

After lunch we made our way to the local prison where we were invited to speak to the prisoners. Roszel, Rose and Aaron brought little gift bags with toiletries to distribute to the prisoners. I shared a message on the goodness of God and the meaning of good, looking at the account of the rich man and Jesus. In response to the message over half the group surrendered their lives to the Lord, as they depended on the goodness of Christ to be right with the Father! Hallelujah! The Gospel truly is the power of God unto salvation for all! There is nothing quite like seeing the power of God's Word transform the lives of murderers and rapists and seeing men and women receive God's forgiveness and love! What an awesome God we serve!

We then went to the hotel to have a short break and a mango shake (mango liquidized with crushed ice) before making our way to the Butuan Police Headquarters. We were invited to share God's Word at their afternoon devotional. The head of the police is a born again believer and it was great to see him lead by the Spirit. I was then asked to speak and the Lord gave me a message on how He is the God of order and how He desires to bring His order by His Spirit rather than by the law - the first being from the inside out; the second from the outside in. The Lord also showed us that peace is the fruit of walking by the order of the Spirit. I praise God for the suddenlies of the Spirit and His faithfulness in giving me spontaneous messages. I received revelation as I spoke! Hallelujah!

After a most interesting time with the police we picked up pastor Julius and made our way to the landfill again where we promised we would return with school supplies. When we arrived the school teacher was not present but as we waited more and more children gathered around us. I then began doing a kind of simon-says game with them and had a huge amount of fun. As we laughed and messed around, even more kids came to see what was going on. Soon we had around 40 kids joining in the fun and another 10 or so watching curiously. Once the teacher of the school arrived we distributed the paper, pencils and crayons to each of the kids. It was another precious time.

After our time with the kids we returned to the hotel to freshen up. In the evening we had some time with pastor Julius' worship team members, teaching them on worship as we enjoyed our dinner together.

It has been another day of contrasts from the Mayors to the Minors! I praise God for His presence and power today. Lives have been radically changed and blessed today. God spoke and brought order out of chaos in the lives of many people today. Thank you Holy Spirit that you hover over the lives of those who are without order - formless and empty - until your creative word is spoken into them to bring order, life and peace!

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said...." Genesis 1:1-3

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Let the little children come to me!

Glory to God!

Halelujah! A new coffee shop has been opened near the hotel so we could start the day with a proper Latte and a great conversation with pastor Berwyn and pastor Julius about building God's Kingdom in Butuan and in the Philippines. It was a great opportunity to hear what God has placed on their hearts and for us to share our passion for God's Kingdom with them.

We then made our way to the landfill (rubbish dump) where many people live. It is unimaginable that people actually live amongst the garbage and in the stench of refuse. These are the poorest of the poor but everywhere we went we were greeted with curiosity and joy! God has a passion for the poor and it was a joy to bless them. As we made our way back to the car we were asked by a local school teacher whether we perhaps had any paper and pencils for their little school right next to the rubbish dump. We told them we didn't but went straight to the supermarket to buy the items needed for 50 children and will give it to them tomorrow. I felt it important to reveal the Father's promise of "when you ask, you will receive!" What a privilege to reveal Abba's love!

After lunch in Butuan's only shopping mall, we had some time with Berwyn and Julius before going to the middle of Butuan to feed the street children. Sadly the government has recently issued a new law that does not permit street children to beg in public places so we only found a few that we then took with us (great fun for the kids to be in the car with us) to the orphanage - one tiny building for the whole region! We were shocked. We were shown into the building and saw the pitiful state of the interior. We met a dozen kids that had been brought in because of abadonment, sexual abuse and the like. We ministered to a little 10 year old girl that had been raped by her step-father and a 16 year old girl who had a 1 month old baby (she too had been raped). We spent some time with these broken kids and I spoke to them about how Jesus loves them and will never reject them. We prayed for them, sang with them, danced with them and fed them. I felt the Lord's compassion as I ministered to these children. Our God is the God of all comfort and a Father to the fatherless!

After our visit to the orphanage, we still had plenty food left so we made our way to the main bus terminal near the town centre where we gathered around 15 children to share God's love with them and feed them. It was another precious time as they listened intently to the message of the Father's love and how Jesus came to give them a hug from the Father. After the message I invited the children for a big hug and went round to each of them to impart the Father's love. It was wonderful to see how these little ones received Abba's love.

After feeding the little group we made our way to see the youth football teams pastor Julius coaches and ministers too. About 25 kids gathered as I spoke to them about how God has created them for a purpose and to be part of His team! We had a lot of fun and the kids really listened. After the message and prayer they too tucked into the meals Aaron and Rose had prepared earlier today for the various kids we would be ministering to today.

It really has been a day of contrasts and a day of experiencing the Father's compassion for the poor, the fatherless, the broken and the children. There is so much need here but at least we could make a difference to a few precious souls today. Thank you Jesus!

"People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this he was indignant. He said to them, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the Kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.' And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them." Mark 10:13-16


Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Fire of God!

Glory to God!

This morning we arrived in Butuan and were greeted by our "hosts," pastor Berwyn and pastor Julius and his wife Roszel with their parents. It was great to see them again after 2 years. We made our way to the hotel where we are staying and caught up a little before going out for lunch. After lunch we spent some time with the family at their home before returning to the hotel to rest and prepare for the evening meeting. I am enjoying showing Frances all the things I had got to know during my previous visits like Kiliau - raw fish in garlic, onion and ginger with chillis - yummy!

We were picked up at around 18:40 to be at a meeting at pastor Jonathan's church (picture above is of pastor Jonathan and his wife, Grace). What had previously been scheduled as their prayer meeting was changed into a worship service because of their "foreign guests" as they put it. We had a short time of worship and then I (Richard) was invited to speak. The Lord had given me a word for the evening: FIRE! I then looked at how God is a consuming fire (Heb 12:25-29) and how worship is our response to how God reveals Himself to us. I had the conviction from the Spirit that God was looking for people who would burn for Him: worshippers who burn with His presence. We then looked at how the fire of God fell on the temple in 2 Chronicles 7 and how the following manifestation of the glory of God was preceeded by prayer, sacrifice, offering, and then fire followed by glory. God showed us that He wants to fill His people, the temple of God with His fire and glory so that they reveal His goodness (God's glory is the manifestation of God's goodness - Exodus 33:18,19). After asking the people who wanted to surrender their lives to the Lord to burn with Him, about 20 young people came forward to give their lives to Jesus and to be filled with the fire of God. Frances and I then led people to the Lord and ministered to them as we prophesied over them and saw God visibly touch His people. Pastor Joanathan and pastor Berwyn helped translate as we spoke over every person.

We praise God for an awesome start to our 2 week visit. We are pretty bushed from the travelling and jet-lag but really excited about what God has begun already!

"When Solomon finished praying, fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices, and the glory of the Lord filled the temple. The priests could not enter the temple of the Lord because the glory of the Lord filled it. When all the Israelites saw the fire coming down and the glory of the Lord above the temple, they knelt on the pavement with their faces to the ground, and they worshipped and gave thanks to the Lord, saying 'He is good; his love endures forever.'" 2 Chronicles 7:1-3

Saturday, 2 February 2013

July 2013

Pastors Richard and Frances Morschel will be visiting the Philippines in July 2013. This will be Richard's third trip and Frances' first trip to the Philippines for the purpose of strengthening exisiting relationships, equipping pastors and leaders, visiting various churches in the area, planting Kingdom Life Butuan, and furthering God's Kingdom on the Island of Mindanao. We will be updating this blog daily during our trip from 09.07. - 22.07.

Please pray for:
  • Preparation of hearts to encounter and receive the Holy Spirit.
  • Provision for the trip.
  • Health and protection during our travels.
  • An outpouring of God's Spirit on the people and the land.
  • Wisdom and guidance for setting up KLB.

"Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’" Matthew 28:18-20