Thursday, 18 July 2013

Day 4 - Servant Leadership

Glory to God! 

Today was our last day of our 4-day Heaven on Earth conference in Butuan. After another wonderful time of worship which continued for almost an hour because of the presence and glory of God, I then spoke on the Lord's prayer to summarize what God had been showing us in the last 3 days. 

After a short break, Frances spoke on servant leadership and how Jesus came as an example of how leaders must serve. It was a fun and very powerful message and when I led us into a time of response to the word and as we repented of pride it was as though Jesus entered the room in response. His presence was so overwhelming that we just knelt and waited on Him as He seemed to reveal His humility to us. Heaven truly invaded earth! 

After a lunch break we spent time ministering to God's people as we and other pastors washed the people's feet. It was an amazing time full of joy, freedom and power as people received prophetic words and encouragement from the Father. It was a very special time indeed!

After a short break we had a time for testimonies and invited the people to share what God had done during the 4 days. Many testified and praised God for fresh and reviving revelation from the teaching. Some testified to being healed of diabetes. Some shared how they had experienced the power of God in their bodies even before we got to pray for them. Some were greatly encouraged to renew their commitment to the Lord. One lady shared how she had been set free from bondage. It was awesome and we praise God for all that He has done in these past 4 days! I was especially encouraged to see many young people respond to God! I am convinced that God is reviving the youth in this area and that they are on the verge of a mighty outpouring!

It has been an incredible blessing to minister under an open heaven here. The honour and the love we have received is humbling to say the least! 

We then gathered the youth and invited them to Dunkin Donuts and had a lot of fun with them trying to learn their language and sharing about our lives. Tomorrow we have our day off and we will be spending the day with Julius, Roszel and their children (Yra-lee and Jonkris) and Berwyn and Liberty with their children (Christine and Christopher). Apart from simply getting tine to talk and hang out, we will be looking at what our future plans are together. Hallelujah! 

"Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you." John 13:14,15 

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