Friday, 16 July 2010

From the highest to the lowest

Today has been a day of contrasts! This morning Pastor Berwyn and I had an appointment with the mayor of Cabadbaran. It was on our hearts to meet him and not only make Berwyn's work known to him but also to encourage him as a leader in this nation. We were warmly received and I was encouraged to discover that he is a Christian. He told us that they have a weekly prayer meeting and that when the new City Hall was built he had the words, "To God be all the glory" put over the entrance! We assured him of our prayers and told him that we wanted to encourage him as a leader to pursue God's will. I told him that God had spoken to me prior to my visit that the Lord has it on His heart to restore the value and dignity of the women in this nation. Pastor Berwyn shared what he is doing with Mabini Christian Fellowship and the poor "mountain people" and the mayor was pleased, encouraging Berwyn to continue this much needed work. When I was in Hong Kong, I had bought a book on leadership that I gave the Mayor as a gift. He was very pleased as he enjoys reading and he asked me to write something in it. We then prayed together and we blessed him and his work. It was amazing! Praise God!

After visiting the mayor we again looked at some plots and premises to get an idea of the cost and availability in this area. After a quick lunch we made our way toward the mountain area near Butuan City where the "mountain people" were waiting for us to lead the church service. Because the place where the church is situated is quite remote we had to travel by motorbike! A first for me and a little scary.

The church was full of children and a few adults and I knew I was going to have to rely again on the Holy Spirit to communicate whatever He had planned for us. After a few songs I was asked to preach. I praise the Lord for His Anointing as I taught the children and adults how God can turn the little we have into a miracle as I graphically described the feeding of the 5000 from the little boy's perspective who shared his lunch with Jesus. I also told them how important it is that we taste God for ourselves using a mango to explain the goodness of God! It's all God's grace and I praise Him for His faithfulness! I then asked those who wanted to taste God for themselves and who wanted to give their lives to God to respond and over 10 people gave their lives to Jesus! Hallelujah!

Once again I had a lot of fun with the children and the adults and after our supper together the children began surrounding me and talking to me. They then sang me their songs quite spontaneously and they even continued whilst I filmed them. I was absolutely overwhelmed with their joy and love for God. These children have nothing and yet they have everything! Berwyn was telling me how they once asked for spaghetti as they had never tasted it before and wanted to have some! He also told me that he and some other pastors are fighting for the rights of the "mountain people" who are discriminated against as many don't even have birth certificates or marriage certificates. The kids were also telling me how they sometimes have 6 to 8 brothers and sisters! They were such a joy to be with today and it it was such a blessing for me to lay hands on each one of them and declare the Father's love over them.

"Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God." Mt. 5:8

The day began with the richest but now ended with the poorest. What a day of contrasts!

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