Sunday, 11 July 2010

Baptism of Love

This morning I was invited to preach at a church that is associated with the Four Square Church that Treffpunkt Leben also belongs to. The church building has no doors or windows and is basically a sanctuary without walls. The pastor and his wife are good friends of Berwyn's and after a wonderful time of praise and worship (mostly in English) with drums, e-guitar, keyboard, bass and voice I was invited to bring God's Word and minister to the church. The Lord spoke to us about how Jesus has restored our intimacy with the Father and that we have access to know and experience the Father. After the Word I invited the people to come forward who were hungry to know God and experience more of Him. Many people came forward for prayer and as I began to minister to the people and lay my hands on them, the Holy Spirit came. I was not ready for what the Holy Spirit began to do because as I asked the Lord to fill His people and I prophesied the Father's heart, I was overcome with His compassion and aching heart for these people and I wept with His compassion. At the same moment the Father poured out His abundant love on those I touched and some began to weep, some shouted out as though they were being touched where it really hurts and God was healing them, some fell over with tears, some cried out as the Spirit released something in them. It was truly a baptism of love as the Father ministered to His children.

"God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit,whom he has given us." Rom. 5:5

"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!" 1 John 3:1

No human power nor human words could ever do what the Father did in the lives of these precious people today. I give Him all the glory and I praise Him for His overwhelming love for us!

I had it on my heart to teach the worship team some principles for worship so right after the church meeting I asked to meet with them. They came and so did 20 other children of all ages who also wanted to hear what I had to say. These people are so hungry for God! I then spoke to them about worship in heaven and how we have the privilege as citizens of heaven to bring God's Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. It was a very special time.

I then had lunch with the pastors and Berwyn and I continued to share the same principles with them as well as how to develop Kingdom culture. They were so excited about the revelation and are now eager to put what they have learned into action. Hallelujah!

After lunch we made our way to another Pastor's home and on the way it began to rain and I mean it poured as though a bucket of water had been tipped out over the Philippines. We travelled in a very crowded bus once again but this time the very poor folk were travelling on the bus who literally have nothing but the clothes on their back. A family was in the bus seated next to me with 2 twins and a 2 month old child, dirty and smelly and very hungry. Berwyn asked the bus driver to pass a place where we could get a few rolls for the babies and so he gave them some food. This family's home had burned down and they were telling us how they simply did not know what to do. My heart aches for these people and for the broken lives I am seeing every day. They so need the Father's love and proper social care.

On the way to Berwyn's parents' home near Butuan, I sat in the bus next to a young girl who asked whether we were born again because she had seen the lad who accompanied us with a Christian band around his wrist. Berwyn and I then told her we were indeed and that we were pastors and I began to prophesy over her and she began to beam from ear to ear. Our God is such an encourager! She opened up to us and told us how her mother is working in Dubai and her father is a drunk and doesn't work. It was a God encounter and she was mightily blessed by the Father. Hallelujah!

It's been another wonderful day in the Spirit and I am looking forward to tomorrow's first day of the prophetic leadership conference. Glory to God!

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